LifeSource is funded by the contributions of our faithful partners. 

Whether through prayer, financial giving, or coming to serve at Selah House, you are investing in the lives of missionaries,pastors and Christian leaders serving around the world. Your support makes it possible for others to experience the restoration and renewal that they desperately need, while also equipping them to more effectively reach and genuinely love others. 


We do not charge our guests a fee for the ministry and hospitality of LifeSource MFS. Rather, we ask for a suggested minimum donation.  Due to the generous support of people just like you, we are able to subsidize the cost for missionaries, pastors and Christian leaders, making our services more affordable to those in need. Our goal is that no pastor or missionary is ever turned away from LifeSource based upon their ability to pay for our services.

Our support comes from individual ministry partners and churches, either by direct financial support that reduce our annual operating costs (i.e. maintenance, repair, equipment). Every gift, no matter the amount, matters greatly and helps us to provide these ministries at low cost. No donation will be considered insignificant!  Here are the various ways you can contribute:

  • Online credit card donation through the CTEN website.
  • Automatic monthly gifts may be set up through the CTEN website. 
  • Special gifts or ongoing financial contributions via online donations through the CTEN website.
  • Special gifts or ongoing financial contributions via check may be mailed to: Commission To Every Nation (CTEN), PO Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029-1307
  • Gifts-in-kind (Please contact us for a detailed list of goods needed for ministry)



Your prayers regarding any aspect of our work daily join with others who are praying that the body of Christ would be built up through this ministry. To receive word of specific needs, please request to receive our newsletter




We are always looking for volunteers to come and serve at Selah House. We would welcome your help with general cleaning and resetting the property for next guests arrival, grounds & maintenance, hospitality (grocery shopping, meals), marketing & media, etc. Please contact us for more information on how you, your family, business, church or organization can serve at Selah House. 

Dallas and Anna Lee Ward on home mission assignment with Commission To Every Nation (CTEN), provide Biblical discipleship and mentoring to encourage individuals to grow to maturity in Christ, while also equipping them to more effectively reach and genuinely love others.  


All gifts are tax deductible. Commission To Every Nation is a tax exempt, 501(©)( 3) non-profit organization.

Give With Confidence

These watch-dog agencies evaluate charities. Check out their evaluation of the ministry of CTEN.